
Rebecca Butler
Teacher | Writer | Founder
Rebecca Butler (E-RYT 500) believes that yoga is a wildly creative, deeply sensual, meditative healing art form that can awaken both the practitioner and the teacher to their ability to create the life of their dreams by connecting to and honoring their most authentic selves and the spirit that dwells within.
Rebecca has studied with multiple masters. She has studied 350 hours with Baron Baptiste. She has studied 350 hours with Ana Forrest in Forrest Yoga. And she has trained 100+ hours with Rodney Yee & Colleen Saidman Yee. She has also done trainings and workshops with multiple other master teachers. She is also a certified Holistic Life Coach with Alan Cohen.
She blends this learning in her teaching. This means her students and trainees will learn more than just one style.
Rebecca has also been a fanatic about studying the spiritual side of yoga and life in general. In 2012, she lost her mother to ALS. In that journey, she learned the importance of celebrating your health and your mobility, the deeply profound healing nature of breath and the critical nature of living each day to the fullest, without fear, without regret and without sorrow. She interweaves spirituality into our writing and teaching. She will teach trainees how to do the same, in a way that is authentic to their own journey, beliefs and purpose.
Rebecca has taught at yoga festivals all over the country, although since opening TSYR, her travel schedule has been dramatically reduced. But it is so worth it to nurture this burgeoning community that is based on love, healing, warmth and joy. She is a published author and plans to write her own book soon.
The Sanctuary Yoga Room is a dream come true for Rebecca. Once upon a time, she spent her days in a fabric cubicle, haggling with co-workers about things that seemed nonsensical, counting the hours until she could go to yoga and relieve the stress. Now she bows in gratitude daily as she spends her working hours doing what she loves, spreading joy and guiding others to be in alignment with their own intrinsic well-being, while simultaneously nurturing her own connection to Source.
You can set up a private or a life coach session with her by emailing hello@thesanctuaryyogaroom.com You can also set up a consultation about her upcoming retreats and/or teacher trainings, as needed, via the same address.